An Update On Whats Been Going On

     Alright, so it's been quite awhile since I've posted anything here ( save for the last post, asking if I should continue posting or not). A lot has happened it feels like. Not just with camming, but home stuff too, though I won't be getting into the home stuff. I'd like to keep that kind of stuff private, for obvious reasons.
     To start with, I've been having a lot of emotional issues pop up, mostly dealing with self image and how others think of me. I thought of quitting this camming stuff all together several times. But I'm determined to see this through, I want to stay home with my child and still contribute to the house and help keep the money stress lower.
     I've also been dealing with a skin condition I have, but I'll be talking more about that in an up-coming blog post, along with the other illnesses I have and how they affect my camming.

   Going forward, I have decided to switch things up a bit with how I've been doing things. I had been trying to all the things every day, what I mean by that is:making YouTube videos, streaming on YouNow, three different social medias, three different camming sites, and take pictures and videos to sell on those camming sites. Far FAR too much at once and thats not to mention doing all my Momly duties around the house, and other such daily tasks.
   The new plan is this: Focus on ONE camming site, at least for now, ONE socail media, my youtube channel (one or two videos a week), and this blog and then work up, SLOWLY, from there. That's still a lot to do, but way more do-able then what I had been doing. I'm not sure yet how often I'll be post here though.

Stay well everyone!!!


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